2012³â ÀÌÈÄ | 2012³â ÀÌÀü
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room from 01-02/10
sunrisinghouse  kjh2253@hanmail.net 2013-09-15 651

I would like to stay one night (1st-2nd) at your premises, wonder if you have any twin bed room? and the cost of the stay. also we are driving, is there a place to park the car during our stay?



==================== ´ä º¯ ====================
Hi Anthony.

Thank you for visiting our website.
We have 3 type of room left for that day.
One is 30pyung style room(Twin bed, for 4 person)
and the other room is 20pyung style room(double bed, for 4 person)
and 18pyung room(double bed, for 4 person).
The original price is 180,000won(30pyung),
170,000won(20pyun), 150,000won(18pung) each.
But Ican give you with the discounted following.
30pyung style room : 180,000won ¡æ 150,000won,
20pyung style room : 170,000won ¡æ 120,000won
18pyung style room : 150,000won ¡æ 100,000won

We have a place to park the car for our customer.
If you would like to make a reservation, please let me know asap.

Thanks a lot.


room from 01-02/10
Room for 4 for 1 night 12 Oct 2013
710         Reservation May 13 sunrisinghouse 2013-01-07 546
709           Reservation May 13 Eric 2013-01-08 470
708 ¹®ÀÇ ±è½ÂÇö 2013-01-05 547
707   °¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2013-01-05 545
706 »õÇØ Àλç Ȳ»ç¶û 2013-01-02 459
705   »õÇØ Àλç ÇضߴÂÁý 2013-01-02 408
704 1¿ùÀÇ ¿¹¾à ±Ã±ÝÇؼ­ 2012-12-29 504
703   ¿¹¾à°¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-29 472
702 ¿¹¾àÈ®ÀÎ ¹Ú»óÀÏ 2012-12-28 556
701   ¿¹¾àÈ®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-28 509
700 1¿ù 28,29,30ÀÏ ¿¹¾à ¹®ÀÇ Á¶ÁöÀº 2012-12-27 496
699   ¿¹¾à°¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-27 381
698 31ÀÏ ¿¹¾à °¡´ÉÇÑ°¡¿ä? ¹Ú¹Ì¿µ 2012-12-27 453
697   ¿¹¾à¸¶°¨ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-27 452
696 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ÇÑ¿¹½½ 2012-12-22 419
695   ¿¹¾à°¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-23 423
694 any room for 2 people on 23 Jan 2013 lunglui 2012-12-19 467
693   any room for 2 people on 23 Jan 2013 Sunrisinghouse 2012-12-20 489
692 ¾È³çÇϼ¼µÍ Çö¼÷¿µ 2012-12-18 680
691   ¿¹¾à»óȲ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-12-18 462
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