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Reservation request
sunrisinghouse  kjh2253@hanmail.net 2013-08-02 447
Dear all,

we're a couple from Germany and we'd like to stay in your house from 08/22/2013 til 08/23/2013. On 08/23/2013 we'd like to climb Seongsan Ilchulbong before sunrise.

Could you please let us know if you have any vacancies for that dates and how much a room is?

Thank you in advance

Carina and Steffen

==================== ´ä º¯ ====================
Hello Carina and Steffen,

Thank you for visiting our website.
We only have one room left for that day.
It's 18Pyung room, and you may see some pictures of the room from http://sunrisinghouse.co.kr/menu3_3.html
It's 150,000won per night, but I can give you the discounted price,100,000won for a day.
Sungsan Ilchulbong is very close. You may walk there or drive there.
If you would like to make a reservation, please let me know asap.
Thanks a lot.


Reservation request
¿¹¾àÈ®ÀÎ¹× ÀԽǽ𣠹®ÀÇ µå·Á¿ä...
190   °í¹Î µË´Ï´Ù ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-24 720
189 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-22 767
188   °¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-22 763
187 ÀÔ±ÝÇß½À´Ï´Ù. È®ÀÎ ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÀÌÈÆ»ó 2012-05-22 880
186   ÀÔ±Ý È®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-22 775
185 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ·ù¹«¿­ 2012-05-19 726
184   °¡´ÉÇÑ °´½Ç ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-19 738
183 ¿¹¾à È®ÀÎ ¹®Çü±Ù 2012-05-14 875
182   ÀÔ±ÝÈ®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-15 626
181 7.2-7.5 emmy 2012-05-13 648
180   Reservation sunrisinghouse 2012-05-15 759
179 ENQUIRY IVY 2012-05-12 703
178   Enquiry sunrisinghouse 2012-05-12 706
177 5¿ù12ÀÏ ¿¹¾àÇߴµ¥¿©.. Á¶Çö¼­ 2012-05-10 683
176   ÀüÈ­ µå¸±²²¿ä ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-10 721
175 ¿¹¾àÃë¼Ò ¹®Çü¾ç 2012-05-08 730
174   È¯ºÒ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-08 756
173 Enquiry for reservation Gabriel 2012-05-08 796
172   Vacancy sunrisinghouse 2012-05-08 781
171 ÀÔ±Ý ¾îÁ¦ Çصå·È½À´Ï´Ù. ±è³²¿µ 2012-05-08 744
  171 / 172 / 173 / 174 / 175 / 176 / 177 / 178 / 179 / 180 /  

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