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Rooms Availability from 8 - 10 July 2013
sunrisinghouse  kjh2253@hanmail.net 2013-05-19 397

Like to enquire if there are 2 rooms available for a total of 4 adults and 1 infant from 8-10 July 2013? Like to have the room rates also if possible.


==================== ´ä º¯ ====================
Hello Trend,

Thanks for visiting our web site.
Yes, we have some rooms available.
We have three kinds of room.
13 Pyung room : Hotel style, 1st floor, 80,000won per night
16 Pyung room : Studio type with kitchen, 2nd floor, ocean view, 100,000won per night
18 Pyung room : Studio type with kitchen, 2nd floor, ocean view, 130,000won per night

But We can give you one 16 Pyung room and one 18 Pyung room for 100,000 won each.
If you want to make a reservation, please let us know asap.


Rooms Availability from 8 - 10 July 2013
9 jun - 12 jun reservation
490 ÀÔ±ÝÈ®ÀÎÀÌ¿ä~ ¹Ú¿¹Áö 2012-08-07 539
489   ÀÔ±ÝÈ®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 463
488 9¿ù 8ÀÏ 18Æò ¿¹¾àÇÑ »ç¶÷ÀÔ´Ï´Ù~ Ȳ¼­Èñ 2012-08-07 442
487   ÀÔ±ÝÈ®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 495
486 1 night stay on 19 Jan '13 Yvonne 2012-08-07 488
485   1 night stay on 19 Jan sunrisinghouse 2012-08-08 532
484     1 night stay on 19 Jan yvonne 2012-08-09 610
483       16th Jan ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-09 473
482 8¿ù 25ÀÏ 1¹Ú ¿¹¾à ¹®ÀÇ¿ä~ Àü¼³Èñ 2012-08-07 584
481   20Æò ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 452
480 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ÇÏÀ̶û 2012-08-06 467
479   °¡´É°´½Ç ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 584
478 ¿¹¾à¹®Àǵ帳´Ï´Ù À̹οë 2012-08-06 524
477   16ÆòÀ¸·Î ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 486
476     16ÆòÇüÀ¸·Î ÇÒ°Ô¿©~ À̹οë 2012-08-07 538
475       ¿¬¶ôó ¿ä¸Á ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-07 518
474 8¿ù18ÀÏ ¿¹¾à¹®Àǵ帳´Ï´Ù. ±èµ¿¹Î 2012-08-05 562
473   ÁË¼Û ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-05 625
472 8/9~11ÀÏ ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ±èÇý°æ 2012-08-05 552
471   °¡´É ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-08-05 477
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