2012³â ÀÌÈÄ | 2012³â ÀÌÀü
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Reservation May 13
sunrisinghouse  kjh2253@hanmail.net 2013-01-07 525
Dear Elic.

Thanks for your reply.
This is the confirmation of your reservation.
Date : 13th May ~ 14th May(1night 2day)
Room type: 13 Pyung
Price : 80,000 won /1night
We usually ask a guest 50% of deposit to confirm a reservation.
Please deposit 50%(=40,000won) into my account.
This is the account information
Bank:Jeju bank Á¦ÁÖÀºÇà
Account Number:40-01-054709
Account Holder:Hong, Moon-Ja È«¹®ÀÚ
If it's too hard to deposit to the Korean account then you may pay all when you get here.
But please let me know asap if there's any change of your schedule.
Please let me know your flight information and your contact number.
I'm looking forward seeing you soon.
Thank you.

reservation May 13
Reservation May 13
210   Á˼Û! ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-06-01 629
209 ¿¹¾à È®ÀÎ.. À强Çö 2012-05-31 753
208   ¿¹¾à È®Á¤ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-06-01 762
207 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ µå¸³´Ï´Ù. ¿©ÇàÀÚ 2012-05-31 863
206   °´½Ç¸¶°¨ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-31 837
205 7¿ù29ÀÏ~31ÀÏ 2¹Ú ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ±èÈ£¹Î 2012-05-31 824
204   °¡´ÉÇÑ °´½Ç ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-31 715
203 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇÇÕ´Ï´Ù ¼ÛÀºÁö 2012-05-30 768
202   ¿¹¾à¸¶°¨ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-30 749
201 Room reservation on 16 June Daniel 2012-05-30 764
200   Reply Sunrisinghouse 2012-05-31 804
199 ¿¹¾à ¹®ÀÇÇÕ´Ï´Ù~ ¹Ú´Ù¿î 2012-05-29 757
198   ÁË¼Û ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-29 753
197 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ¼ÛÀμö 2012-05-27 744
196   Á˼Û! ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-28 760
195 ¿¹¾à È«¼º¿ø 2012-05-26 826
194   ÀüÈ­ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-26 804
193 ¿¹¾à¹®Àǵ帳´Ï´Ù. ÀÓ¼±¿Á 2012-05-25 753
192   ¿¹¾à¸¶°¨ ÇضߴÂÁý 2012-05-25 897
191 ¿¹¾à ¹®Àǵå·Á¿ä~ ¼º¿øÈñ 2012-05-24 807
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