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Reservation May 13
sunrisinghouse  kjh2253@hanmail.net 2013-01-07 529
Dear Elic.

Thanks for your reply.
This is the confirmation of your reservation.
Date : 13th May ~ 14th May(1night 2day)
Room type: 13 Pyung
Price : 80,000 won /1night
We usually ask a guest 50% of deposit to confirm a reservation.
Please deposit 50%(=40,000won) into my account.
This is the account information
Bank:Jeju bank Á¦ÁÖÀºÇà
Account Number:40-01-054709
Account Holder:Hong, Moon-Ja È«¹®ÀÚ
If it's too hard to deposit to the Korean account then you may pay all when you get here.
But please let me know asap if there's any change of your schedule.
Please let me know your flight information and your contact number.
I'm looking forward seeing you soon.
Thank you.

reservation May 13
Reservation May 13
1050 Á¦ÁÖŽ ÇÑ»óÈÆ 2013-08-05 465
1049   Á¦ÁÖŽ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2013-08-06 384
1048 ¿¹¾à¹®Àǵå·Á¿ä~ À̱¹Èñ 2013-08-05 4
1047   ¿¹¾à¹®Àǵå·Á¿ä~ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2013-08-05 2
1046 10ÀÏ 11ÀÏ ¹ÚÁ¦Çü 2013-08-05 369
1045   ¿¹¾à°¡´ÉÇÑ °´½Ç ÇضߴÂÁý 2013-08-05 376
1044 Reservation Joanne 2013-08-01 473
1043   Reservation sunrisinghouse 2013-08-03 416
1042 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ¹Ú»óÈñ 2013-08-01 500
1041   ÀÔ±ÝÈ®ÀÎ ÇضߴÂÁý 2013-08-01 331
1040 Reservation request Carina Hofmann 2013-08-01 399
1039   Reservation request sunrisinghouse 2013-08-02 417
1038 ¿¹¾àÈ®ÀÎ¹× ÀԽǽ𣠹®ÀÇ µå·Á¿ä... À̵¿¿Á 2013-07-31 3
1037   ¿¹¾àÈ®ÀÎ¹× ÀԽǽ𣠹®ÀÇ µå·Á¿ä... °ü¸®ÀÚ 2013-08-01 1
1036 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ±è½ÂºÀ 2013-07-31 4
1035   ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2013-07-31 1
1034 ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ ±è¼±¿µ 2013-07-30 1
1033   ¿¹¾à¹®ÀÇ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2013-07-30 1
1032 ´Ù½ÃÇѹø ¿Ã¸³´Ï´Ù.- ºü¸¥´ä±Û ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ±èÇÏÇü 2013-07-30 503
1031   ´Ù½ÃÇѹø ¿Ã¸³´Ï´Ù.- ºü¸¥´ä±Û ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÇضߴÂÁý 2013-07-30 472
  121 / 122 / 123 / 124 / 125 / 126 / 127 / 128 / 129 / 130 /  

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